Lama sudah tidak berkunjung ke blog nie..mungkin juga kemalasan faktor walau apa-apa pun tiap detik denyutan jantung ini mengalirkan O2 ke segenap badan, tatkala itu juga setiap perenggan kehidupan ini dipenuhi dengan lembaran cabaran dalaman tau luaran untuk diatasi..
Namun kaki tetap melangkah ke hadapan walaupun terpaksa mengorbankan kasih rindu orang yang tersayang buat seketika.. Memang benar kata seorang sahabat.."tidak rugi kita beristikrah"..kerana kita hanya mampu merancang tp bukan pemilik pada perancangan yang kita lakukan..
Ku berharap akan ada sinar di hadapan..sejauh di kuala lumpur ini...amin
Joseph Maison Sidin
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Sunday, November 14, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
kali nie dlm dilema..
Dah puas menulis dlm bI, kali ni skadar hendak mcuba pula penulisan dalam bM..
Kali nie dlm dilema..antara kerinduan di tmpat sendiri atau pun terus menetap disini..Byk sudah yg dipelajari disini seakan-akn susah untuk tinggalkan tmpat ini..
Sekiranya segulung ijazah master lagi ingin dikejar, boleh jadi umur menetap akan meningkat, 2-3 tahun..mungkin.
Tp..kiranya yang dikejar itu kearah penyelesaian kewangan...destinasi kelahiran adalah jawapan terbaik..namun itu semua tidak mbuahkan apa2 kiranya langkah ini penuh dengan dilema..
i'm sharing with you..
Kali nie dlm dilema..antara kerinduan di tmpat sendiri atau pun terus menetap disini..Byk sudah yg dipelajari disini seakan-akn susah untuk tinggalkan tmpat ini..
Sekiranya segulung ijazah master lagi ingin dikejar, boleh jadi umur menetap akan meningkat, 2-3 tahun..mungkin.
Tp..kiranya yang dikejar itu kearah penyelesaian kewangan...destinasi kelahiran adalah jawapan terbaik..namun itu semua tidak mbuahkan apa2 kiranya langkah ini penuh dengan dilema..
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Thursday, October 7, 2010
3-4am...she is 9 years old girl
Last night, it was my duty as teacher (actually, I’m not..) to teach two students, Izati and Nurul. This time I combined them both even though their mother was not agreed with my planned. Firstly, I don’t know why she not agreed, but in term of time, I’m quiet rushing on this week. So, the learning process was going smooth but Nurul seem not very energetic last night compare to Izati. Izati is smart student to me because she able to catch up what I taught to her in single time only. But, it’s not same with Nurul. All the mathematic’s question I gave last night just full of unsatisfied answers. I tried to compare of this both of them in term of their family. Nurul’s family looks very taking care on their religious understanding or learning. Izati is still too young but she able to tell me that she came home at3-4am, followed his sister for karaoke. Then, I asked either her family give any permission. Absolutely, she went with their family permission.Oh no. i can't accepting it..something must be done..
A very sad story on how this young kid will grow up. When I heard her statement, I become afraid of this thing because I’m responsible to teach them that Islam has solution if you want to find entertainment.
I’m looking for the me to save this ummah..Allah..
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Thursday, September 30, 2010
My convocation day!!!..
I'm not up date this blog for two weeks. Mostly i don't enough time to include any up date on it until today. So i just want to upload my picture during my convocation day at UTM. Now, i'm graduated from this university as x student of chemical engineering. That was raining day during the convocation. So, i have limited place to take any photo. What I got as what you see right now..
From left: my mother, grandmother, father, me and my sister |
me and my mother, the one who sacrife until what i have now...knwledge |
me, my father and my cousin, Geofrey John.. |
More picture will come after this..through my study, there are a lot of this that i learned..every people i see teach me on how to become more better and better after this.. thanks the one who are always support me.. especially my parents, mom and dad...their advices are my inner force to go through with this life..thanks
i'm sharing with you..
Thursday, September 16, 2010
13 Mei 1969..the unforgotten tragedy in Malaysia
Before celebrated raya day, i went to book store to find any books. Actually, i'm not really want to buy it but because of the environment at the book store, i had to sacrifice few money to gain knowledge.
The book is 13 Mei Sebelum dan Selepas by Tunku Abdul Rahman. I'm not so sure why i got trapped with historical book evethough during my secondary school, history subject was not my interest. I just bought it because i needed it when my mind always came with questions on what actually happen during that time. We were not born during the tragedy occured, so read it to make your perception more better. In additon, you able to learn from the past to give us the advantage that we should take in order to avoid any situation repeating again.
Basically this book elaborate more on what happen before and after 13 Mei. Its fully of action which had been taken from any individual or party to make sure their vision and mision completely accomplish. As long as we should understand is, we must able to understand other, don't over, and take any action when we have already make some survey or taking any respond from public. Fully research on the negative and positive impact also give the best result to our answer when confronting with problems. But, before the tragedy occured, Tunku Abdul Rahman was shocked by few circumstances which had never occured before such as his broken tasbih and also his horrible dream.
So, the moral is, we should learn from the past, as what my teachers said to me. Now, i realize how important the history in our daily life.. Thanks for being taught me about that..thanks cikgu- dedicated to my teachers who taught me the history subject during my secondary school..
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
This is the real truth of what happen to our religion, Islam. In France, the senate had passes ban on Muslim veils. All they waiting is just the signature of France President Nicolas Sarkozy in order to banning burqa-style in public. This is believe to increase the Islamophobia in France whereby Muslim women still stand with their spirit to protect it from happen.
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Muslim women with veils.. |
My friends, here the listing of negative's comment from peoples who are respond on this issues:
"Muslims are hypocrites.
If you want Islam and Sharia, then go back to to the Islamic world. "..LockdownBG
If you want Islam and Sharia, then go back to to the Islamic world. "..LockdownBG
"I heard that the production of suicide vests just increased 450% since France made this announcement!!
Let wait and watch how the "Religion of Peace and Understanding" reacts to this.
How long will it take to get a response to this latest "Attack on Islam"? ...DAve
Let wait and watch how the "Religion of Peace and Understanding" reacts to this.
How long will it take to get a response to this latest "Attack on Islam"? ...DAve
"The only reason that Muslim women wear veils, to cover their face, is because the men do not want others to know that they are beating their wives....."..Doodie
"For the life of me, I can't understand why a Muslim woman would wear that get up. It's black and they look like overdressed nuns. Come of think of it, I haven't seen a nun in ages dressed in a habit. And when it's 100+ degrees outside, they must be roasting. Too bad the Muslim women are controlled by ruthless men. Good for France, they've done something right!"..JAke..
"Islam is the most dangerous religion the world has ever seen. It encourages lunacy, murder, pedophilia and extortion. This is no joke. The non-muslems of the world need to unit against this religion before it is too late. Believe me, they want us all DEAD"..Thomas
and many more are still replying on this topic..Something must be solve..Allah..Allah..
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Raya day..after a month of's time for Syawal..
This time, as a previous years, i'm chosen not to come back to my hometown. Tangkak, one of the areas in Johor, became my next destination to celabrate Raya day. As previous years, my friends who with me are Daniel, Edwin and Jaysuman. During this time, Abg Noh, Jaysuman's friend, who was sponsored us, also recommed this team to share some religious view at surau after maghrid prayed at first Syawal..
Here the pictures:
Really enjoy this moment and I hopefully can meet Ramadhan again next year...I prayed so that i can be a good Muslim..amin
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Here the pictures:
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Jaysuman, Daniel, me and Edwin |
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Abg Noh at the center.. |
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After prayed.. |
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Jaysuman with his speech..Allahuakbar! |
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Second day of Raya..nice tradisional house.. |
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Ayam kampung..oh a very delicious malay food.. |
![]() | it...Edwin ? |
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Outside the house.. |
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kids... |
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hai..Aliyah..she bored with my coin magic.. |
I'm sharing with you..
Monday, September 13, 2010
Terry Jones holds one of the Qurans he plans to burn on September 11, 2010 at his church
Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- The U.S. Embassy in Pakistan condemned a Florida church's plan to burn the Quran, the Muslim holy book, as "disrespectful, intolerant and divisive," in a statement on Wednesday. "We are deeply concerned about all deliberate attempts to offend members of any religious or ethnic group," said Stephen Engelken, the second-ranking diplomat at the embassy. The statement comes days after the top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan, Gen. David Petraeus, warned that the plan could put U.S. troops' lives at risk. The pastor of the church, Terry Jones, said Tuesday his flock was taking the warning seriously but had not decided to cancel the event, planned for September 11.
Jones told CNN that while his congregation still plans to burn Qurans to protest the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the church is "weighing" its intentions ones, of Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, said the congregation is taking seriously the warning from the U.S. military that the act could cause problems for American troops.
"We have firmly made up our mind, but at the same time, we are definitely praying about it," Jones said on CNN's "American Morning."
Later Tuesday, Jones questioned Petraeus's statement that the burning of Islam's holy books "could cause significant problems" for American troops overseas.
"The general needs to point his finger to radical Islam and tell them to shut up, tell them to stop, tell them that we will not bow our knees to them," Jones said on CNN's "AC360."
"We are burning the book," Jones said. "We are not killing someone. We are not murdering people."
The planned action has drawn sharp criticism from Muslims around the world and from U.S. officials.
The U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan on Tuesday issued a statement saying the U.S. government "in no way condones such acts of disrespect against the religion of Islam, and is deeply concerned about deliberate attempts to offend members of religious or ethnic groups."
It emphasized that it strongly condemned "the offensive messages, which are contrary to U.S. government policy and deeply offensive to Muslims especially during the month of Ramadan."
"Americans from all religious and ethnic backgrounds reject the offensive initiative by this small group in Florida. A great number of American voices are protesting the hurtful statements made by this organization," the Afghanistan embassy said.
With about 120,000 U.S. and NATO-led troops still battling al Qaeda and its allies in the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban movement, Petraeus warned that burning Qurans "is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems -- not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community."
Thousands of Indonesians gathered outside the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, on Sunday to protest the planned Quran burning.
"The burning is not only an insult to the holy Quran, but an insult to Islam and Muslims around the world," said Muhammad Ismail, a spokesman for the hard-line Indonesian Muslim group Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Indonesia has the world's largest Muslim population.
Jones said his congregation is aware that the action is offensive.
"We realize that this action would indeed offend people, offend the Muslims. I am offended when they burn the flag. I am offended when they burn the Bible. But we feel that the message that we are trying to send is much more important than people being offended."
Jones said Muslims are welcomed in the United States, if they observe the Constitution and don't try to impose Sharia, or Muslim law.
The message, he said, is directed toward the "radical element of Islam."
"Our message is very clear," he said. "It is not to the moderate Muslim. Our message is not a message of hate. Our message is a message of warning to the radical element of Islam, and I think what we see right now around the globe provides exactly what we're talking about," he said.
The center says it was founded in 1986 as a "total concept church for the rich, the poor, the young and the old." Its purpose is to "stand up for righteousness and for the truth of the Bible." It stresses that "Christians must return to the truth and stop hiding."
Burn Al Quran is not the solution..
Last week we were shocked by the news that a pastor from Florida church planned to burn Quran, the holy book of Muslim as part of day to remember the 911 tragedy. As what i read, the quran is given by peoples to that church will be burning on the day of 911, where all the Muslims around the globe are celebrating the Aidilfitri.
This is not the way on how to solve the solution because it will bring more harm to the Muslims, who are not dare to see our beloved book, the one that we refer to go through this life, Quran, being burn such like that. The Quran will be protected by Allah SWT, not us, as what Allah SWT did to Kaabah during the attacked of Abrahah with his companion.
Before you burn that Quran, all what you have to do is to read it first, which how you will judge that Quran and not just burning it because as rationally, Quran mention all relating to our life in this world in order to meet our Creator after this.
This is not the way on how to solve the solution because it will bring more harm to the Muslims, who are not dare to see our beloved book, the one that we refer to go through this life, Quran, being burn such like that. The Quran will be protected by Allah SWT, not us, as what Allah SWT did to Kaabah during the attacked of Abrahah with his companion.
Before you burn that Quran, all what you have to do is to read it first, which how you will judge that Quran and not just burning it because as rationally, Quran mention all relating to our life in this world in order to meet our Creator after this.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Islam and science experiment. How it’s work?
I still do some work on my proposal to find some new information regarding the potential application of FC. Until the writing your read here, I had finished 3 journals and more are waiting to read. After made some evaluation on the journal and what I had experienced before such as examination and experimental work, I realized that there is a connection between I had went through with what I have believed. I named it as Islam and science experiment. Truly, as time running, and every thing that we touching and feeling, we aren’t escape from any Islamic rules, so that what we gain will be our marks in order to meet our Creator hereafter.
In science, we are starting with what we called a theory which comes out from the problem or any obstacles in our field of study. The theory will expand until we do some research or experiment which mean our practical view to proof the theory. After take some days or years, we will come out with our results. If the result satisfied with our theory, it will be applied to society to improve our life and difficulties thus generating some money with our invention.
This is my point of view on how to relate those words with Islam. For the first time, we learn about Islam which mostly theory, maybe from our reading or any info that we gained from listening. Then, we make some practical after learn it in order to get the benefits and also blessing from Allah S.W.T. The benefits that we have learned will be shared to other so that others also can get the same things with what we have experienced. Separating the knowledge will reward by Allah S.W.T in term of pahala or know as ‘money’ in science invention application. For example, we learn that eat fruit before any food will help our digestion and this has been proof by scientist that it help to improve our health.
But, actually, there are no theories in Islam. All had been experimented by Sahabat through the guidance of Rasullulah SAW and we just need to apply what we learn in Islam to our daily life. If this can be applied to all Muslim, we will become the best peoples in this world as long as Allah SWT blessing us.
Strive to excel with Islam.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Pursue with high endow of knowledge..(1)
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Read with complete precision.... |
During this time, I'm trying to finish my proposal regarding my ambition to pursue with high endow of knowledge. I was giving two choice either i want to choose the food industry or environmental problem which is focusing more to waste water treatment. Reading, searching and intreprating are my task in order to complete the proposal. At this time, I looking through my course mates who were getting job and some of them still pending with their application while me with same environment-books and journals . This journey isn't created by me..and i still don't know what is my next step through this stopover. May ALLAH SWT will guide my way..Thanks to choose me to permanent myself to stay close with YOU.. Thanks..
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Monday, August 23, 2010
Industrial wastewater treatment...
Last Thursday, I had an opportunity to attend a visit to Ramatex textile Industry at Batu pahat Johor. Batu pahat is known as the textile’s city because all the production and manufacturing of textile in Johor come from Batu Pahat as well as importer of textile product to other regions. I’m not alone but with me were Bro Ifnu and also PhD Student, En Zul. Thanks for them for the explanation and also the transportation provided by Bro Ifnu.
We were looking for the wastewater system at Ramatex to compare it with the biological method. From UTM, we took about 1 ½ hours to reach the place. When we were on the site, mostly the workers are from Bangladesh and some of them from Vietnam. Unfortunately, the engineer that we supposed to meet was not around and most of the system explained by the En Zul and one of the staffs from Water Department.
So, these are the pictures:
filter press... |
Raw wastewater.. |
The treatment building... |
effluent..after treatment.. |
More ponds for treatment... |
Raw wastewater again... |
Thing before you enter..dangerous |
If you are in site make sure:
1) Your safety is 100% cover including physical appearance.
2) Follow all the instruction from the co-worker about the safety
3) Always be in mind about your beloved person. This will make your more careful during working
4) Covered by Insurance
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I'm sharing with you..
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Poem to My Teacher
My Former teacher, cikgu Kamal Buyong
You are the one, who teach me
Explaining the lessons that we don’t know
With fully dedicated you sacrificed your time
For me to understand our life
Through your hand with entire bless
We look you have tried your hard
To make us understand
Beyond that, we are not as your prediction
Lost with joy and satisfaction, freedom but not justify
That is how our life goes through, sink at the middle of journey
Now, we are realized
Every word you said contain thousands of meaning
Every step we take your word walk with us
It’s not disappear, even though you are not stand besides us
Because it come truly from the heart of sincerity
We can’t replace all the knowledge
The knowledge that you gave till what we have now
The knowledge that teach us who we belong to
Through the path that we have now
We know that we are also part of your assignment
Be the best and the practical person
Because we are sure we will not here
If not you are my teacher
I’m sharing with you.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The best part in my house...
I’m sure everyone from us has their own friends since you are born. The most interesting parts with them is sharing the time to meet or changing idea, hobbies, and the more appropriate we able to see our friend’s habit after long journey with them. By the way, as long they are still around with us, take this opportunity to appreciate on whatever things that we aren’t satisfied, miscommunication, or maybe something that more ‘cruel’ than that.
From the circumstances, we gain something valuable moral which we can’t accepting from any institution, school or kindergarten because its only can be received with the institution known as experience. Experience make perfect! So, try to jump on any situation where you are not willing to sacrifice your time with it. There a lot of portrays of life experience you will generate after that. Before that, the starting come from our self, the more we explore, the more we will appreciate.
Look at the Islamic view on friendship. Ukhwah is the stand of parameters to determine on how cloze we with our friends are. Lot of them is being friend because of the external appearance that they have, moreover, physical come first rather than the chemical reaction which means that the attractive of our friend depends on how we able to understand them better is the chemical reaction of friendship, not on how many money or position they have.
So, that the best parts in my house- the illustrative of life through my journey towards HIM. Thanks for being part of my life…in this blessing of Ramadan…
I’m sharing with you….
From the circumstances, we gain something valuable moral which we can’t accepting from any institution, school or kindergarten because its only can be received with the institution known as experience. Experience make perfect! So, try to jump on any situation where you are not willing to sacrifice your time with it. There a lot of portrays of life experience you will generate after that. Before that, the starting come from our self, the more we explore, the more we will appreciate.
Look at the Islamic view on friendship. Ukhwah is the stand of parameters to determine on how cloze we with our friends are. Lot of them is being friend because of the external appearance that they have, moreover, physical come first rather than the chemical reaction which means that the attractive of our friend depends on how we able to understand them better is the chemical reaction of friendship, not on how many money or position they have.
So, that the best parts in my house- the illustrative of life through my journey towards HIM. Thanks for being part of my life…in this blessing of Ramadan…
I’m sharing with you….
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ramadan is coming..what is our preparation?
A few hours from now, all the Muslims around the world will engage with the festive of Ramadan, the month of full with blessing from Allah SWT. On this month, we will able to keep our healthy more efficient because we are protected those diseases which come from our food. On the other hand, we can strength of faith to Allah SWT, fully confidence HIM as our source to confront with any daily difficulties. This festive of Ramadan isn't concrete with abstain with food and drink, but its to show that food and drink isn't totally our source of energy. Its depend on how close of our self with HIM. This was shown by Rasullulah SAW and sahabats during the Badar's war, which occurred at Ramadan where they were totally depend with the strength from Allah SWT.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult
Somewhere between belief and doubt lies faith. For the second time in her marriage, Mariah White catches her husband with another woman and Faith, their seven year old daughter, witnesses every painful minute. In the aftermath of a sudden divorce, Mariah struggles with depression and Faith seeks solace in a new friend… a friend who may or may not be imaginary.
Faith talks to her "Guard"constantly; begins to recite passages from the Bible— a book she's never read. Fearful for her daughter's sanity, Mariah sends her to several psychiatrists. Yet when Faith develops stigmata and begins to perform miraculous healings, Mariah wonders if her daughter-- a girl with no religious background-- might indeed be seeing God. As word spreads and controversy heightens, Mariah and Faith are besieged by believers and disbelievers alike, caught in a media circus that threatens what little stability they have left.
What are you willing to believe? Is Faith a prophet or a troubled little girl? Is Mariah a good mother facing an impossible crisis— or a charlatan using her daughter to reclaim the attention her unfaithful husband withheld? As the story builds to a climactic battle for custody, Mariah must discover that spirit is not necessarily something that comes from religion, but from inside oneself.
Fascinating, thoughtful, and suspenseful, Keeping Faith explores a family plagued by the media, the medical profession, and organized religion in a world where everyone has an opinion but no one knows the truth. At her controversial and compelling best, Jodi Picoult masterfully explores the moment when boundaries break down, when illusions become reality, and when the only step left to take is a leap of faith.
Somewhere between belief and doubt lies faith. For the second time in her marriage, Mariah White catches her husband with another woman and Faith, their seven year old daughter, witnesses every painful minute. In the aftermath of a sudden divorce, Mariah struggles with depression and Faith seeks solace in a new friend… a friend who may or may not be imaginary.
Faith talks to her "Guard"constantly; begins to recite passages from the Bible— a book she's never read. Fearful for her daughter's sanity, Mariah sends her to several psychiatrists. Yet when Faith develops stigmata and begins to perform miraculous healings, Mariah wonders if her daughter-- a girl with no religious background-- might indeed be seeing God. As word spreads and controversy heightens, Mariah and Faith are besieged by believers and disbelievers alike, caught in a media circus that threatens what little stability they have left.
What are you willing to believe? Is Faith a prophet or a troubled little girl? Is Mariah a good mother facing an impossible crisis— or a charlatan using her daughter to reclaim the attention her unfaithful husband withheld? As the story builds to a climactic battle for custody, Mariah must discover that spirit is not necessarily something that comes from religion, but from inside oneself.
Fascinating, thoughtful, and suspenseful, Keeping Faith explores a family plagued by the media, the medical profession, and organized religion in a world where everyone has an opinion but no one knows the truth. At her controversial and compelling best, Jodi Picoult masterfully explores the moment when boundaries break down, when illusions become reality, and when the only step left to take is a leap of faith.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Its time to sing the song...
Nasyid concert by Ust Nasrey Johani and Satna..
Alhamdulilah,, praise to Allah because of His blessing, Malam Kesenian Islam 2010 had been done successfully at Dewan Taman Universiti, Skudai. During the night, the hall was fully by people even though tickets were not 100% sold before the event began. As I remembered, we just sold it not less than 200! It’s showed that people also enjoy nasyid instead of other genre of music currently which become the personality to teens to follow as their identity of popularity and show off.
Genre of Music..

There are a lot of type or genre of music during this era. We as the one who lived in this modern era of technology can’t escape from the wave of kinds of music which portray our life. The writer also is one of them for the previous years ago when I saw that any kinds of music using the guitar and drum became my philosophy of my life to obey and practiced it. It’s not started with the lyric that I heard but I came from the style and appearance of each of the singer until I spend my own money to buy clothes so that I can change myself and followed them. I still can remember the first music that I heard which my friend, a close friend, gave the song to let me knew with the band. It’s LIMBIZKIT.

Then, Eminem, D-12, Too phat, and etc..continue with GREEN DAY…and so on…Nice to know them, but now, the time and our surrounding change my perspective to them. All this bands have full of strength of influencing our teenagers especially the Muslim to forget our responsibility in this beloved earth whereby it become our “bridge” before our next life’s destination, where during that time, our money, son and wife are among who doesn’t know us.
Bring them back to Islam..
Islam, one of the religions in this world teaching about the concept of one God, Allah SWT, where the Book of Al-Quran, is protected until now, and as time goes by, it still become the scripture of people who are seeking for happiness, faith, the true God, the laws, science, family, and so on..All the motivations, moral stories, histories, calligraphy, and beautiful of recite always become the references among the person who wants to find and to correlate the issues rotating around us. It showed that the Book of Al-Quran is not from human publication. Thanks Allah for the opportunity which I able to embrace it till now…
Nasyid?? This term only recognize in Malaysia because when I talked with my colleague from Nigeria and Italy, they have no idea on it. It’s a type of song with Islamic lyric inside it to bring people to get close with Allah. So, event nasyid, it still their own fans and mostly come from those who are really practicing Islam in their daily life. I started to hear this song when my friend gave me a song from Raihan- a nasyid group who the singer is Sabahan and reverted to Islam, Ust Nazrey Johany.
So, what ever the song that your want to hear, make sure it really can give you the meaning about our life and able to practice it in order to be the best slave in this world.
Alhamdulilah,, praise to Allah because of His blessing, Malam Kesenian Islam 2010 had been done successfully at Dewan Taman Universiti, Skudai. During the night, the hall was fully by people even though tickets were not 100% sold before the event began. As I remembered, we just sold it not less than 200! It’s showed that people also enjoy nasyid instead of other genre of music currently which become the personality to teens to follow as their identity of popularity and show off.
Genre of Music..
There are a lot of type or genre of music during this era. We as the one who lived in this modern era of technology can’t escape from the wave of kinds of music which portray our life. The writer also is one of them for the previous years ago when I saw that any kinds of music using the guitar and drum became my philosophy of my life to obey and practiced it. It’s not started with the lyric that I heard but I came from the style and appearance of each of the singer until I spend my own money to buy clothes so that I can change myself and followed them. I still can remember the first music that I heard which my friend, a close friend, gave the song to let me knew with the band. It’s LIMBIZKIT.

Then, Eminem, D-12, Too phat, and etc..continue with GREEN DAY…and so on…Nice to know them, but now, the time and our surrounding change my perspective to them. All this bands have full of strength of influencing our teenagers especially the Muslim to forget our responsibility in this beloved earth whereby it become our “bridge” before our next life’s destination, where during that time, our money, son and wife are among who doesn’t know us.
Bring them back to Islam..
Islam, one of the religions in this world teaching about the concept of one God, Allah SWT, where the Book of Al-Quran, is protected until now, and as time goes by, it still become the scripture of people who are seeking for happiness, faith, the true God, the laws, science, family, and so on..All the motivations, moral stories, histories, calligraphy, and beautiful of recite always become the references among the person who wants to find and to correlate the issues rotating around us. It showed that the Book of Al-Quran is not from human publication. Thanks Allah for the opportunity which I able to embrace it till now…
Nasyid?? This term only recognize in Malaysia because when I talked with my colleague from Nigeria and Italy, they have no idea on it. It’s a type of song with Islamic lyric inside it to bring people to get close with Allah. So, event nasyid, it still their own fans and mostly come from those who are really practicing Islam in their daily life. I started to hear this song when my friend gave me a song from Raihan- a nasyid group who the singer is Sabahan and reverted to Islam, Ust Nazrey Johany.
So, what ever the song that your want to hear, make sure it really can give you the meaning about our life and able to practice it in order to be the best slave in this world.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Who am I??

Blessing from Allah SWT..
Become the entrepreneur in environmental sector..
To obtain the grant from MTDC to pursue wastewater treatment project..
Born on January 22nd 1987
Primary school: Sekolah Kebangsaan Tanjung Aru Satu, Kota Kinabalu Sabah
Secondary school: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sanzac, KK, Sabah
Higher Education: Bachelor Degree Engineering (Chemical), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Second Higher Education: Physical Science, Labuan Matriculation College, Labuan
Career Objective
To success by gain knowledge through experience in the field of Chemical Engineering which emphasizing on the wastewater treatment as my contribution for our beloved nature.
Current Works
Research Assistant at Faculty of Chemical Engineering
(Solute Inclusion for Heat and Mass Transfer in Progressive Freeze Concentration)
Personal Coaching
Secondary school: Mathematic, Science and English
Primary school: Mathematic, Science and Bahasa Malaysia
Entrepreneurship Training
UTM-MTDC Symbiosis Programme
Entrepreneurship Experience
Helped my sister to sell an ice-cream at the age of 9 until 18 years old
Sold flowers and drinking water during the UTM’s convocation
Promoted and sold Ikan masin to my colleagues who are interested
Football, Futsal, Reading books..

Blessing from Allah SWT..
Become the entrepreneur in environmental sector..
To obtain the grant from MTDC to pursue wastewater treatment project..
Born on January 22nd 1987
Primary school: Sekolah Kebangsaan Tanjung Aru Satu, Kota Kinabalu Sabah
Secondary school: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sanzac, KK, Sabah
Higher Education: Bachelor Degree Engineering (Chemical), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Second Higher Education: Physical Science, Labuan Matriculation College, Labuan
Career Objective
To success by gain knowledge through experience in the field of Chemical Engineering which emphasizing on the wastewater treatment as my contribution for our beloved nature.
Current Works
Research Assistant at Faculty of Chemical Engineering
(Solute Inclusion for Heat and Mass Transfer in Progressive Freeze Concentration)
Personal Coaching
Secondary school: Mathematic, Science and English
Primary school: Mathematic, Science and Bahasa Malaysia
Entrepreneurship Training
UTM-MTDC Symbiosis Programme
Entrepreneurship Experience
Helped my sister to sell an ice-cream at the age of 9 until 18 years old
Sold flowers and drinking water during the UTM’s convocation
Promoted and sold Ikan masin to my colleagues who are interested
Football, Futsal, Reading books..
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I got new job!!..
Happy family…
Couple of days ago I went to En Johari’s house to meet him and their sons. But he was not around because he was attending a “kenduri”. So I met his wife, and their son named Wiwie. Before I arrived to their house, I got lost for 15 minutes because I made wrong assumption about the address she gave to me lately. I called her back to recognize the address again to get all the thing right and made myself that I’m not lost again!!..By this time, after 4 years, I’m realized how big the area here…Maybe next time maps will help me better.

“Usop, better you wait at the Sk Taman Universiti (1). My son, Wiwie will pickup you later. By the way, are you coming here using a car or motorbike?”….
“Ok auntie. I will wait in front of the school. Motorbike, with my friend..”..
Ask if you don’t know. Apply this for any situation. The answer makes you more confident with your next destination.
En Johari has two sons; the elder is Wiwie, a form one student. I met them for one hour to discuss about the Wiwie weakness. Mainly the subjects are mathematics, science and English. Not losing the hope, this family looks very excited to see their children to success in education. One thing I can see that, En Johari, a UTM’s staff, always described about the main weakness of his children especially Wiwie. He always forgets what he learned and not so sure what the true concept especially mathematic. For science subject, he not understands the word and the meaning behind it.
Forget and forget…how to overcome it?

I looked through the exercise books and also the text books. Wiwie almost got all correct for mathematic questions. I thought it should be no problem with the mathematic but after the explanation with their mom and dad, Wiwie only can did it during the class not exam which mean he not really understand about the concept and also the technique of answering the question. Before I left, I offered them the certain amount of money as my income for teaching Wiwie..also with a time table whereby every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, at 8pm till 11pm, is my turn to become teacher or personal coaching for Wiwie.
What should I do?
In my mind, I should find some book to teach Wiwie. Let him do a lot of exercises so that he becomes more tactical and increase his understanding for mathematic subject. First thing to do, I got my laptop on front of me and started to download the entire mathematics question from internet. Better and cheap rather than I buy exercise books.

Then, I plan to do some short note to him in tree diagram or anything else so that he can visualize all the contents of the subject and able to relate it with other chapters. During my secondary school, I’m also got the same problem as Wiwie confront with- can’t visualize very well and also needed support until I cried to understand this subject especially mathematic. Moreover, our determination and action give the new spirit each time we want to do something. Longer you sacrifice your time on what your really think will give high impact to your life, its more things you will learn and most probably on how to be patience and problem solver. Last experience will determine what kind of person you are- negative or positive. So, for me learning is about sacrifice even though you are not smart people. Maybe Wiwie can embrace what I said to success in his study. Hopefully..
So, I got new job!!!....
Couple of days ago I went to En Johari’s house to meet him and their sons. But he was not around because he was attending a “kenduri”. So I met his wife, and their son named Wiwie. Before I arrived to their house, I got lost for 15 minutes because I made wrong assumption about the address she gave to me lately. I called her back to recognize the address again to get all the thing right and made myself that I’m not lost again!!..By this time, after 4 years, I’m realized how big the area here…Maybe next time maps will help me better.

“Usop, better you wait at the Sk Taman Universiti (1). My son, Wiwie will pickup you later. By the way, are you coming here using a car or motorbike?”….
“Ok auntie. I will wait in front of the school. Motorbike, with my friend..”..
Ask if you don’t know. Apply this for any situation. The answer makes you more confident with your next destination.
En Johari has two sons; the elder is Wiwie, a form one student. I met them for one hour to discuss about the Wiwie weakness. Mainly the subjects are mathematics, science and English. Not losing the hope, this family looks very excited to see their children to success in education. One thing I can see that, En Johari, a UTM’s staff, always described about the main weakness of his children especially Wiwie. He always forgets what he learned and not so sure what the true concept especially mathematic. For science subject, he not understands the word and the meaning behind it.
Forget and forget…how to overcome it?

I looked through the exercise books and also the text books. Wiwie almost got all correct for mathematic questions. I thought it should be no problem with the mathematic but after the explanation with their mom and dad, Wiwie only can did it during the class not exam which mean he not really understand about the concept and also the technique of answering the question. Before I left, I offered them the certain amount of money as my income for teaching Wiwie..also with a time table whereby every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, at 8pm till 11pm, is my turn to become teacher or personal coaching for Wiwie.
What should I do?
In my mind, I should find some book to teach Wiwie. Let him do a lot of exercises so that he becomes more tactical and increase his understanding for mathematic subject. First thing to do, I got my laptop on front of me and started to download the entire mathematics question from internet. Better and cheap rather than I buy exercise books.

Then, I plan to do some short note to him in tree diagram or anything else so that he can visualize all the contents of the subject and able to relate it with other chapters. During my secondary school, I’m also got the same problem as Wiwie confront with- can’t visualize very well and also needed support until I cried to understand this subject especially mathematic. Moreover, our determination and action give the new spirit each time we want to do something. Longer you sacrifice your time on what your really think will give high impact to your life, its more things you will learn and most probably on how to be patience and problem solver. Last experience will determine what kind of person you are- negative or positive. So, for me learning is about sacrifice even though you are not smart people. Maybe Wiwie can embrace what I said to success in his study. Hopefully..
So, I got new job!!!....
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Not just a ball and win the match..
Ball??...For those who are fans for this game, I am sure you are scarified your time to stay up until morning to watch World Cup match in order to support your favorite team mainly Brazil, Jerman and Argentina. Some of us might not understand what the main attraction making this game become among the famous games in the world. Every time your watch at TV you will see thousands of supporter between two countries. Moreover, for those who are can’t attend the match lively at the stadium, they still have opportunity to watch it at any places which providing with large white screen. No border for technology for this modern era. What most interesting during WC10, my colleagues who I know never see them at field or any futsal courts also become among the fanatic fans for their favorite countries. Now, the ball was entitle as the Jabulani, the word taken from the ZULu means rejoice or bring joy and happiness. The ball was made from China whereby this circumstance minimizes the economic of Pakistan as main produces of ball.
How about the players?
I never realize until I search by my own to see either I can identify any Muslim players during WC10. So I started with my favorite team during world cup 2002. He is…

Mesut Ozi
He was born on 15 October 1988 and playing as attacking midfielder with German team of Turkish origin. Who else are Muslim players??..Watch this..

Nicolas Anelka
He was born 14 march 1979 and become the French footballer and also as striker for Chelsea. He converted to Islam in 2004 and taking the Muslim name of Abdul-Salam Bilal. Alhamdulilah….
Then, person who is same nationality with Anelka…

Franks Ribery. He converted to Islam and taking his Muslim name as Bilal Yusuf Mohammed. But for those who are the France fans, you must very disappoint with the performance shown by France players. They aren’t same with previous 06WC. Last but not least..

Yaya Toure…defender with 1.91m height, Barcelona..oop..why I’m mention about Spanish league..?
So, its not just a ball and win the game, what I want to mention here some of the players are Muslims, and some of them are reverted to Islam where they can used this opportunity to spread Islam by using their popularity as football’s celebrity.
Nowadays, people only can see and respect the truth about Islam when they mention it with their successful achievement background. So, we need to gain any great victory or achievement in our life to show others that what we get is not from us..But it‘s come from the blessing and helping from Allah SWT..

Nasri was praying before match…

So, it’s not just a ball and win the game..we need to spread that Islam for all..
Ball??...For those who are fans for this game, I am sure you are scarified your time to stay up until morning to watch World Cup match in order to support your favorite team mainly Brazil, Jerman and Argentina. Some of us might not understand what the main attraction making this game become among the famous games in the world. Every time your watch at TV you will see thousands of supporter between two countries. Moreover, for those who are can’t attend the match lively at the stadium, they still have opportunity to watch it at any places which providing with large white screen. No border for technology for this modern era. What most interesting during WC10, my colleagues who I know never see them at field or any futsal courts also become among the fanatic fans for their favorite countries. Now, the ball was entitle as the Jabulani, the word taken from the ZULu means rejoice or bring joy and happiness. The ball was made from China whereby this circumstance minimizes the economic of Pakistan as main produces of ball.
How about the players?
I never realize until I search by my own to see either I can identify any Muslim players during WC10. So I started with my favorite team during world cup 2002. He is…

Mesut Ozi
He was born on 15 October 1988 and playing as attacking midfielder with German team of Turkish origin. Who else are Muslim players??..Watch this..

Nicolas Anelka
He was born 14 march 1979 and become the French footballer and also as striker for Chelsea. He converted to Islam in 2004 and taking the Muslim name of Abdul-Salam Bilal. Alhamdulilah….
Then, person who is same nationality with Anelka…

Franks Ribery. He converted to Islam and taking his Muslim name as Bilal Yusuf Mohammed. But for those who are the France fans, you must very disappoint with the performance shown by France players. They aren’t same with previous 06WC. Last but not least..

Yaya Toure…defender with 1.91m height, Barcelona..oop..why I’m mention about Spanish league..?
So, its not just a ball and win the game, what I want to mention here some of the players are Muslims, and some of them are reverted to Islam where they can used this opportunity to spread Islam by using their popularity as football’s celebrity.
Nowadays, people only can see and respect the truth about Islam when they mention it with their successful achievement background. So, we need to gain any great victory or achievement in our life to show others that what we get is not from us..But it‘s come from the blessing and helping from Allah SWT..

Nasri was praying before match…

So, it’s not just a ball and win the game..we need to spread that Islam for all..
Monday, June 28, 2010
Time for futsal..
Last week I went to Taman Anggerik Jb to play futsal at 10pm. The best thing is i able to meet a lot of business internet marketers from Jb.
I was tired during this match because I had played at 530pm with my colleague from Nigeria and Somalia. They played hard, full of determination and emotion and this make me respect with them
When I think back, I learned futsal during my study at UTM and I feel that this sport need more energy and full of dribble skill where the player take the ball forward past opponents with slight touches of the feet.
Different from football, speed is important. Other than that, strategy, patient and team working are also the key success for this game.
This is some of pictures during the match.

It's me..

Mr Zaki, my supervisor's husband

Nice through pass...

me again from different view..

End of game...uhh..tired
The pictures with my colleague from Nigeria and Somalia will be coming soon. So, maintain your stamina with futsal and football..
I was tired during this match because I had played at 530pm with my colleague from Nigeria and Somalia. They played hard, full of determination and emotion and this make me respect with them
When I think back, I learned futsal during my study at UTM and I feel that this sport need more energy and full of dribble skill where the player take the ball forward past opponents with slight touches of the feet.
Different from football, speed is important. Other than that, strategy, patient and team working are also the key success for this game.
This is some of pictures during the match.

It's me..

Mr Zaki, my supervisor's husband

Nice through pass...

me again from different view..

End of game...uhh..tired
The pictures with my colleague from Nigeria and Somalia will be coming soon. So, maintain your stamina with futsal and football..
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A World That He Left Behind by Fathy Fares
Today I'm sitting at the library to find some comfortable environment while surfing internet and reading journal...Then I found the interesting book which title ' a world that he left behind'..
Go through with the synopsis below:

This novel traces the life of a typical Egyptian middle class family. It explores the interaction between parents and their children, the relationships between the siblings and the preference given to the firstborn son in the family. It also shows how women are treated; how they stand in the community and the attachment they have to their parents and family before and after their arranged marriage. In this novel, the resentment of Tarik against the controlling attitude of his older brother Nader creates constant tension in the El-Masry family. Nader forces his sister Samiha to leave school when she reaches the age of fifteen. Tarik is part of a generation with nationalist feelings utterly committed to their country’s cause, fighting against colonialism and corruption.
The characters are set in two political eras. The first is the end of Monarchy and Colonial rule, followed by the early time of the 1952 revolution.
The book deals with the influence on Tarik’s family of customs dating back to Ancient Egyptian culture. It portrays how Tarik and his extended family interact with Christian and other Muslim families, the two components of the Egyptian society who, live side by side with mutual understanding. It also shows the influence of superstition and the effect of religion on the daily actions and expressions of the El Masry’s extended family.
The novel reaches down into the depth of the Egyptians’ heart and mind where wisdom and madness are mixed together and laughing jokes surmounting sadness and misery.
The novel also shows how corruption interferes with people’s life. This leads to the rebellion of young people, Tarik’s generation, who carry the consequences of speaking out and standing up against practices of authorities.
As a result, Tarik is imprisoned like many others. They are disappointed and feel betrayed by the failure of the new regime to improve their lives.
Tarik finally decides to leave the upheaval of his country after many disappointments, frustration and experience with corrupt officials...
Go through with the synopsis below:

This novel traces the life of a typical Egyptian middle class family. It explores the interaction between parents and their children, the relationships between the siblings and the preference given to the firstborn son in the family. It also shows how women are treated; how they stand in the community and the attachment they have to their parents and family before and after their arranged marriage. In this novel, the resentment of Tarik against the controlling attitude of his older brother Nader creates constant tension in the El-Masry family. Nader forces his sister Samiha to leave school when she reaches the age of fifteen. Tarik is part of a generation with nationalist feelings utterly committed to their country’s cause, fighting against colonialism and corruption.
The characters are set in two political eras. The first is the end of Monarchy and Colonial rule, followed by the early time of the 1952 revolution.
The book deals with the influence on Tarik’s family of customs dating back to Ancient Egyptian culture. It portrays how Tarik and his extended family interact with Christian and other Muslim families, the two components of the Egyptian society who, live side by side with mutual understanding. It also shows the influence of superstition and the effect of religion on the daily actions and expressions of the El Masry’s extended family.
The novel reaches down into the depth of the Egyptians’ heart and mind where wisdom and madness are mixed together and laughing jokes surmounting sadness and misery.
The novel also shows how corruption interferes with people’s life. This leads to the rebellion of young people, Tarik’s generation, who carry the consequences of speaking out and standing up against practices of authorities.
As a result, Tarik is imprisoned like many others. They are disappointed and feel betrayed by the failure of the new regime to improve their lives.
Tarik finally decides to leave the upheaval of his country after many disappointments, frustration and experience with corrupt officials...
Monday, June 21, 2010
Attention and respond..
We had meeting with Mr Fabio, one of the "big boss" at BIP UTM..Mostly the discussion was about the 3rd phase of Symbiosis program in this coming July..Bla..bla from Mr Fabio and the important is acting with what he said..

Mr Fabio gave advised to us.."Now, if you feel the water is hot, don't jump.."
Good advised from Mr Fabio..hopefully we all can stand as a strong group till the end of this program.
The best part was Mr Ifnu had makan-makan session for us..

Location: it's finger lickin good..Petronas Taman Universiti
Look at the back of this picture..You will see unfinished building...The lucky CEO will sit here..among 5 of us..who will be selected..

For me, as fresh graduate, I need to learn more..because I believe that what ever I thought, people outside there already done with their strategy..But it doesn't mean I can't do better..
Hopefully i can do it more better..

Mr Fabio gave advised to us.."Now, if you feel the water is hot, don't jump.."
Good advised from Mr Fabio..hopefully we all can stand as a strong group till the end of this program.
The best part was Mr Ifnu had makan-makan session for us..

Location: it's finger lickin good..Petronas Taman Universiti
Look at the back of this picture..You will see unfinished building...The lucky CEO will sit here..among 5 of us..who will be selected..

For me, as fresh graduate, I need to learn more..because I believe that what ever I thought, people outside there already done with their strategy..But it doesn't mean I can't do better..
Hopefully i can do it more better..
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