On 2nd June, I had opportunity to attend an industrial workshop at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The payment was RM150..!!..fuhh..big investment.. This workshop was about the wastewater treatment for heavy metal industry. The method used to treat the wastewater is biological treatment produced by great inventor, Prof Dr Wan Azlina.
Basically, the workshop was started by given a brief explanation on the scenario of waste water from Department Of Environmental, DOE, focused at Johor Bahru. Emm, from the all area they mentioned, Pasir Gudang is the most polluted area because this area is center of industrial operation. Pasir Gudang is an industrial town located 35km east of Johor Bahru in Malaysia.

My objective to attend this programe is to identify the people from industry so that i can promote the product for wastewater treatment to them..
During the workshop training, I able to meet one of the factory's manager, Mr Anatha Ganesh a/l ANtony from Kenny Leather (M) sdn bhd from Merlimau, Melaka. I used this opportunity to talk with him about the waste water from their industry. He said that "normally our industry is used chemical and biological treatment and all this technology was imported from Japan..Before this, one company had come to our company to promote their technology to us..but this company only accepting the product from Japan..."
Why don't accepting any product from Malaysia? Not good enough?
"I'm not said that the product from Malaysia isn't good..but the the BIG boss only recognize and believe that Japan has good technology..and I invite you to come and take some the waste to test with your product.."
Em...the waste actually come from the food processing industry, which the main impurities is color and dyes. Why not I try this market because Dr Zaharah mainly focusing on textile industry..If it can make positive result, of course the product will expand the market target...Textile and food industry..

But the first thing to do, of course i must plan how to get there-industry, without using any money investment..In term of business, reducing the cost is part of important task to think..
So, I need to think...